Monday, October 03, 2005

Time travel in a narrative context

Things to consider:

a. Holden Caulfield is, amongst other things, a decent sample of the post WW II teenager. That is, there are many things about him which are dated (seem to belong to the time he was created, concieved as a literary figure).

b. On the other hand, there are a number of things about him and his world which remain universal.

c. Bearing that in mind, imagine that Holden has crossed over, found a glitch in time, and miraculously come to visit us. Write down a journal entry for his day in 2005 NYC. What would shock him (would anything shock him?)? How about those ducks, and that hat? What of the phonies in a J.Lo and B.Spears reality? Use the first person.

d. Begin with the following sentence: And I thought the world was spinning; boy was I off.


Blogger belag said...


but would holden know what a 'video' is?

Wednesday, 12 October, 2005

Blogger belag said...


Wednesday, 12 October, 2005

Blogger belag said...

aha...think of the movies that deal with the early stage in TV:

Robert Redford's 'The Quiz SHow', for instance...or the new George Clooney flick 'Good Night, and Good Luck'

Monday, 17 October, 2005

Blogger the orangehead goddess said...

And I thought the world was spinning;boy was I off.It was noon already and i was still in my pyjamas in the hotel,full of weirdos.Anyway I was still thinking about old Jane,her date with Stradlater,that phony moron.I figured I'd get out as I needed some fresh air and something else to think of to get Jane off my mind.So I got dressed and decided to go down to the center.I locked the door and entered the elevator.On my way down this guy,I guess a waiter or if not just plain hotel staff,entered.Only his uniform seemed kinda different.I'm a guy that notices such things but this time i decided to just let go of it and not engage my thoughts further into some hotel uniform.And the furniture was different.Wait was I seeing things?Everything around me had changed,it was freaking the hell out of me.Then I just figured I'm probably a little thin with the nerves so I decided to get some fresh air.But no it was all different.Huh the effects of stress on a human being are quite interesting and inexplicable.So as I step out from the hotel,I find myself in a real shock.Like wow!!What the hell??Has this city transformed overnight??Am I seeing things that are not there,but they are,only in my head maybe??I'm thinking if i was confused and depressed yesterday what's with today???Has NYC converted into the city of phonies??Like right over the corner there's a big crowd gathered.Perhaps someone comitted suicide or something,or maybe there has been a gun shot on the street?And what's with the cops and all that security?As if the president himself is there...Anyway,I decided to take a look.There was a lady ,I don't know her name, but i could tell she was probably quite famous because she was surrounded by all these people.See that's something i dislike.Celebrities and popular people,Hollywood people.Just like my brother D.B. .They are all too phony,like i think that if you got near them you would suffocate,the air around them is odd.It just makes me sick.I'd rather go and sit in Central Park and buy a newspaper or something.So,I got the newspaper and as I open the first page I'm astonished.The date is alright but what's with the year?February 04 2006???I must be mistaken...or maybe it's a printing mistake...I'll see.No,no it says it on each page 04.02.2006 This can't be true...Was I in the future?And what's with the newspaper...Kylie Minogue has been diagnsoed with cancer.Who is she?And who is Britney Spears or Kevin Federline?This was so confusing.I knew something was wrong the minute i stepped out of the hotel.But how,why,what?Ahhh i think I'm going crazy...It's inexplicable.Was i trapped?What had happened?Oh and i had a headache a really awful one...Not good,Holden,too much stress.Maybe it was a dream...I just couldn't think anymore.I decided to go back to the hotel and calm down,if that was in anyway possible.No Central Park for me today.On my way there,Ii decided to put on my red hat and this maniac sticks his head out from his car and stares at me.And stares and stares.VERY intimidating.I was crossing the street as carefully as i could yet I couldn't see a car coming on my left and it hit me.I guess i was lying unconscious for a little while.But I was OK.Or at least i thought i was,i don't know my world was spinning and spinning and everything was changing at a really fast rate.Then this elderly woman comes up to me."What's your name dear??Are you alright?"And she was phony,it annoyed me so much.I told her I am fine,and that I could handle myself.Or so i thought.I decided to go back to the hotel as there was no need for a hospital or ahything.All I needed was space and peace where I could think,and find out what has happened to me...

Sunday, 01 October, 2006

Blogger belag said...

awesome...more to come i hope

Monday, 02 October, 2006


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