Sunday, September 25, 2005

A Letter to Author: playing with allusions

One Faulkner fan decided to write him a letter regarding the events taking place in his masterpiece, 'A Rose for Emily'.

As a comment, try and squeeze in your version of fan-mail, that is, write a letter, to one William Faulkner (now long departed), and ask him anything and everything regarding the work behind the story.

Dear Mr. Faulkner,

I just wanted to applaud you on your outstanding piece of literary work. "A Rose for Emily" is just an original piece that is simply wonderful. The procedure you took to write this story was fantastic and was new to me. I love to read stories that are written differently from others.

Although, I admire your unique style of writing, I have noticed that you use many common techniques that other writers use. One that I automatically realized was a major technique was the use of symbolism. "It smelled of dust and disuse--a close, dank smell." This line intertwines with the description of Ms. Emily. "Her skeleton was small and spare". "She looked bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that pallid hue. Her eyes, lost in the fatty ridges of her face, looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a lump of dough as they moved from one face to another while the visitors stated their errand." I can see it all comes together to describe how depressive Ms. Emily looks while the description of the house symbolizes death too.

I have also noticed that you strongly used symbolism in the title of your story. It also was used as foreshadowing I would think. A single rose can represent so many different things. A rose can represent love, respect, and sadly death. In the story Ms. Emily was loved by many men of the town but they all was forced away by her father. At her funeral they all brought roses with them. I see that it is here that the rose represents love and respect they and the others have for her. I also observed it symbolizes death. One exciting thing I experienced when reading was I felt like a detective.

From the beginning, I knew that Emily had died but didn't know the circumstances under how she died. While I continued reading I came upon more facts that lead to her death and what happened. Another style of writing I observed was how disorganized the story was. I see that it was for a worthy cause though. Personally, it only intrigued me much more. It had me constantly thinking about what events was occurring in the story. I would say it was a stream of consciousness.

Finally, I have to comment on your surprise ending. Who would've known that Homer Barron would die that way. Surprise endings is always like a zesty touch to a meal. It only made the story even better. I would love to read other magnificent work of yours in the future. I enjoyed it dearly and hope you receive many astounding awards for your work. I would also like to inform you that I have recommended your story to various aspiring talented young writers that are trying to reach to the top. I think the essence of your story and the way you used the techniques would help them out a whole lot.

Sincerely yours, Fatima


Blogger belag said...

ok glad that you could rejoin us

Monday, 26 September, 2005

Blogger belag said...

ok, but in the future post your comments onto the relevant post, not any given post

Monday, 23 October, 2006

Blogger belag said...

anyone want to bash mr. faulkner to the ground, apart for giacco?

Tuesday, 31 October, 2006

Blogger the orangehead goddess said...

Dear Mr.Faulkner,
I must say that this is a very odd story it gives you the chills.However,when you first read it you don't fully understand it.It makes you dig for the actual point which is skilfully hidden behind a crime event in which an insane woman who lost her path in life kills her "hubby".And what an ending to it.I was very curious about the final outcome and how Emily Grierson would use the arsenic or whether she was going to marry Homer.This story is written in a unique way,infact the story itself is unique.It has these techniques like the "messy" timeline which none of us would expect.Yet it shows you that a change is good.It plays with the chronology of events in a,at first confusing manner,which one later on accepts and goes with it.I must admit that while reading it for the first time I was confused and didn't understand it.However,there is the curiosity and the hunger of a reader which must be satisfied.You played with this very successfully in a non-intimidating way.Another thing that I liked was the "detective" feeling.It makes you feel like you are in the story,that you are the actual detective trying to find out the truth of an elderly lady whose life seems boring as hell.It makes you wonder,foreshadow.All in all,the blend of these techniques is peculiar,and yet amazing.Finally,it feels refreshing to find a story that doesn't go the regular way but goes a little bit off track.

Wednesday, 01 November, 2006


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