Sunday, September 25, 2005

You can't judge a book by its cover...or can you?

The powers that be (other readers) wrote of the cover to Salinger's novel:

Catcher in the Rye's pallid cover, adorned only with seven multicolored bands in its upper-left corner, is not what one would call eye-catching. Its reverse side lacks criticisms or reviews of any sort; in fact, it is bare of anything except a copyright date. Human beings are advised not to judge books by their covers, rather that they should look further than the obvious and try to apprehend the implied meaning.



1. What do you think of the book's cover? What kind of purpose does it serve? Is it indicative of something?

2. If you were given a chance to design another cover for the novel, what would your cover involve? Describe your cover.


Blogger belag said...

good things...keep it up!

Monday, 03 October, 2005

Blogger belag said...

eddie, love the picture...

also, on the topic of dark/light... a question for all of you bloggies - do you take 'catcher'to be a 'dark book'?

Wednesday, 05 October, 2005

Blogger belag said...

fair enough...both arguements...

Monday, 17 October, 2005

Blogger belag said...

don't you think such a cover will be way too obvious?

Friday, 29 September, 2006

Blogger the orangehead goddess said...

I do agree that the cover is lame and boring and stupid etc.At first you might think that the author is a person with freaky and non-understandable ideas.Still it is there for a purpose,to describe Holden in the best way possible.The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of Holden Caulfield as a character is emptiness,confusion and sometimes depression.I think that this is the reason why the cover has been designed in such a way.When publishing a book,the author and his"crew" pay a lot of attention to this "detail" because after all the cover/title is what catches a person's eye.Also the cover is supposed to relate to the story in a certain way.In this particular case i'd say that it does connect to the whole plot and holden's life story.A guy lost in his loneliness.

Sunday, 01 October, 2006

Blogger belag said...

did i also mention that authors are not necessarily consulted when it comes to the merchandising of their works?

Monday, 02 October, 2006

Blogger belag said...

oh, and yes, on the account of soemthign being 'lame' - please shopa roudn for other words/phrases so that your vocabualry might be enriched in this area too

Monday, 02 October, 2006

Blogger belag said...

but once again - editors and publishing houses choose the book covers, authors have little or no say in the matter

Thursday, 05 October, 2006

Blogger belag said...

no, ivo, that's simply their job

Sunday, 08 October, 2006


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